R.A.Q. – A History Mystery

A Nony Mouse writes: “I have been enamoured of your town since I accidentally visited it years ago on an anthropology field study with my late husband. Your local customs, funny euphemisms, and cheery dispositions have a way of growing on a visitor. While I would not want to pollute your village with my own […]

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RAQ – The Old Library Page

An anonymous reader asked: “The old site was great. Second best thing to visiting. The new site sucks. What happened?” Well, Mara, as you know, we get a lot of folks come here sniffing profits and leaving with a snoot full of dirt, and usually making a mess on their way out the door, and […]

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RAQ: The Roberts and the Other Joneses

We got an email the other day from The Pummeler, aka Jeannie and Bruce’s son, Mike. He informs us that professional wrestling is not as glorious as it looks, but, he’s still working for his dreams. Good job, Mike! He concludes with a question: “When I lived in town, the neighbors were The Joneses, The […]

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Jim Swanson from Australia stumbled on our site (G’day Mate!), and was wondering about The Mayor’s office, saying “When I hear ‘Portable’, I think worksite s***house. Please tell me you ain’t got the bloke holed up in there huffing trough lollies. No wonder he spit the Dummy.”   Well Jim, I assure you, we treat […]

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Swamp Otters

Heather Quaid (Jim and Nancy’s oldest) writes: Love the new site, but I’m lost. I lived the first twenty years of my life in Leverite, and the only badger I recall seeing was “Mr. Badger” that they brought in to the museum for those Wildlife Discovery days. Unless this is one of those “things we […]

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Jurisdictional Anomalies

Well, we’ve been getting a whole slew of emails from some of you that haven’t lived in town in years and never visit (not to name any names). You want to know what was meant in the Friday update by “Jurisdictional Anomalies,” and we’ve gotta tell ya, we’re a little reluctant to get into it. […]

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